Think big, start small

I start with a disclaimer, because otherwise this story might go wrong and given the language you can never pull it away from my person again. I am writing this in response to, among other things, the “Fuck it list book” by Dutch authors Jacob & Haver… The number 1 gift book with a wink as they say it themselves. In short, it is a reverse bucket list about a lot of things you shouldn't have done. In long too. Nothing more nothing less and that’s why it inspired me.

So, I decided to make a "fuck it list" and blogging about recruitment is not on it. My very first recruitment blog ever has been waiting for a few years to be written. So many ideas, topics and especially recruitment related topics that I think about and that I want to share. I have a list of dozens of things I have an opinion about, that I practically experience, or I just find very interesting. So much that I didn't get around to getting it on paper. All kinds of things in life were more important; family, friends, impactful events, work, etc. It was just an idea. But not anymore from today. With this blog I hope to grow as a person, but also hope to contribute a little to the growth of the field of recruitment. And guess what… my very first recruitment blog ever is not about recruitment.

Fortunately, I am not the only one where ideas pile up. The “fuck it lists” and the self-help methods where you are instructed to “not give a fuck anymore” are flying around like leaves in autumn. 1 of the many theories with the goal to see things smaller (and ultimately getting something done). Or to become happier or to be able to put into perspective what really does matter. Very interesting developments given by an increasingly fast paced society. Or are we becoming increasingly demanding ourselves? There're probably people who are looking for a more scientific approach, but the "we just don't do this anymore" appeals to me. Nice and clear and with a bit of luck there will be time to think.

So why I am writing this story? Because I "just want to start." It's about making choices. So, what to pick up and what to let go? I'm doing this now, because I hope this will not only contribute to my personal growth but also help others on their road to "the bigger goal." And if I continue to wonder about things just as much as I do now, I might as well share it. Who knows? Someone else might benefit from it. Or not. In any case, I get inspiration from the personal experiences and (sometimes very special) opinions of others and I hope to further stimulate that here.

So, I decided to just start to see what happens next. I keep it short, make it small and make sure it remains manageable. Thank you, Jacob & Haver for this insight. Because I'm going to let go a lot of things. But this isn’t one of them and I hope to learn from it. Fuck it.

Previously published on
